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Homeopathic doctor in Delhi
Hives or Urticariais a term given to allergic skin reaction, Urticaria occurance is very common in both adults and small kids. Hives or Urticaria can trigger due to various factors such as Certain medicine, history of infections, certain food items, chemical exposure, extreme temperature- either very cold or very hot, or due to many other stimuli.
Pathologically urticaria is due to  activation of basophils and mast cells, which are also termed ascells of the skin immune system.These cells are responsible for the release of numerous chemical mediators, including histamine, a substance that causes vasodilation, itching, swelling of the skin and angioedema.
There are number of possible cause for urticaria rashes, but its very difficult to identify all the triggering agent leading to urticaria. Though in case of acute hives, its cause are easier to identify. Doctors in most of the sases of chronic urticaria, can not find out why skin mast cells of chronic urticaria patient act very aggressively. Allergic urticaria generally appears after coming in contact with its causative agent. The time interval may varies 2-120 minutes. Antibiotics of penicillin family are among the main cause. Aspirin and anti-inflammatories Insect bites, especially bees and wasps Contact with latex, such as wearing disposable gloves, blowing party balloons or using a condom. Foods such as eggs, milk, seafood, soy, dyes , nuts and peanuts. Comming incontact with certain chemicals, including insecticides, pesticides, paints, certain plants, animal danger, fur, pollen, metal, animal saliva, resins, soap, perfume, cosmetics, detergent powder . In few cases, hives can be due to other ailments, e.g Vasculitis. Lupus. Rheumatoid arthritis. Sjögren syndrome. Celiac disease. Multiple myeloma.
Affected Skin part is itchy, with marked  redness, these lesions may vary in size and shapes, but are generally circular in shape, and the center of circle is lighter and  edges are raised and dark reddish in colour.
Patient may complaints of sleeplessness due to intense itching. In few cases, the skin lesion may be very extensive and at times they clump together, thereby forming large lesion covering all the body.
When patient press this lesion with his finger, the lesion become lighten but it quickly become reddish in color again.
New urticaria rashes may occur throughout the day, where as the older rashes disappear, which thee by create a transient & migratory pattern.
Urticaria rashes usually disappears within 1 to 3 days. Acute hives may lasts for a few days, i.e. 1 to 6 days.
Get Your Urticaria Treatment through Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi.
10 Best Urticaria Homeopathic Medicine –Hives –Skin allergy.
Few homeopathy used frequently in treatment:
1. Apis mell
2.arsenic album
3. bovista
4. dulcamara
5.natrum mur
6. pulsatilla
7.rhus tox
8. sepia
9. sulphar
10.urtica urens